Sunday, May 4, 2008

Larry Miller Dances on Arab Dead Bodies

Seriously, is that a kick-ass article title or what? Anyway, here is what it refers to to. Larry Miller, a long-time friend of Israel and one of the rare sane people out there who has retained his sense of right and wrong, was sticking up for war crime victims in Israel (how awesome would it be if the Israeli media actually said that when referring to Sderot?):

Of course, an Arab blogger, for reasons known only to him, labeled this as, I kid you not, "dancing on our dead bodies."

Yes, raising money for victims of rocket attacks directed at civilians involves dancing on Arab dead bodies. Unfortunately, this is very often the type of argumentation one has to deal with when perusing anti-Israel blogs. I especially love the first commenter on the Arab blog who says that he sees literally no difference between what's going on in Gaza and the Holocaust. In other words, precision attacks aimed at terrorists who consciously hide themselves among the civilian population (in gross violation of the laws of war) are the functional equivalent of the Holocaust, albeit, as the commenter argues, using different means (i.e., not gassing 10,000 people a day in an effort to eradicate every so-called Palestinian on Earth). Ironically, Sderot is a town largely inhabited by refugees of Arab countries, who were the victims of some old-school ethnic cleansing by the Arabs shortly after Israel was established.

My response to these Holocaust/"ethnic cleansing" arguments is always pretty much the same. If Israel is conducting a holocaust, ethnic cleansing or whatever, they're like REALLY bad at it and stuff, given how dramatically the Arab population (and their standard of living) has increased in Judea and Samaria and Gaza since the Six-Day War in 1967. If you're trying to eradicate a population, giving them a better life than pretty much anywhere else in the Middle East probably isn't the best way of going about it. But hey, Bizzaro World and all, right?

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