Monday, June 2, 2008

So About That Whole Ethnic Cleansing Thing

Commentary has a rather fine article detailing the ACTUAL history leading up to the 1947 War of Independence, and of course, the Nahkba (everybody give our oppressed refugee friends a sniffle and a tear now!). Because you can't celebrate Independence without recognizing the (Greek?) tragedy that was the Nakhba. In fact, I think you shouldn't be able to celebrate anything without reflecting on the Nahkba. Next Saturday, when you're at your great aunt's 65th birthday, you go up to each one of your family remembers and remind them just how much the Palestinians suffered in 1948 and continue to suffer today! When your five year-old cousin Timmy is about to eat some birthday cake, swat it to the floor and tell him "That's what it felt like when the Palestinians were driven from Haifa!" For the more one tells the story of the Nakhba, the more he is to be praised. And if you don't tell the story of the Nakhba every time you so much as crack a smile at the sunset, you are a soulless, Imperialist, Fascist, Zionist lackey (or lapdog).


BHCh said...

:) I loved your "birthday cake" technique.

But you missed out a very important way of rememembering Nahkba. While having an intercorse with Yusef, any self-respecting Ahmed should be repeating: "this is what Zionists did to us during Nakhba!"

Zionist Lapdog said...

An excellent point. Unfortunately, I think our pal Ahmed would need enough stamina to be able to keep it going 24/7 to fully represent the ongoing tragedy that the so-called Palestinians face to this day. I just don't think he's up for it. :)